A pipe is just a pipe?
Who says a pipe is just a pipe?
A pipe is a friend, something to cherish when enjoying it. That's not to say that a pipe must be "this or that" with regards to how much one spends for the pipe, the maker of the pipe or what others may think of the pipe.
Simply put, a pipe is an extension of the person smoking it. To some, a pipe may merely be a "nicotine delivery device" and a tool for obtaining smoke. However to many pipe smokers it is the shape of the pipe, the feel, the size and the overall ambience of the smoking experience that determines how an individual enjoys the pipe.
For example, the utilitarian smoker may prefer a more conventional style of pipe. Nothing wrong with that! The collector, on the other hand, may enjoy a particular shape, brand or size of pipe. While the utilitarian pipe enthusiast may desire a good smoke, the collector will factor other interests into the equation of what a "good smoke" entails. This is a highly personal statement and while there is no wrong or right answer as to what each person may prefer, there is a difference as to the criteria that each pipe smoker uses to determine what satisfies their desires with regards to each pipe.
A good illustration of this would be an automobile. In this case, I am the utilitarian who desires a bit of comfort yet I'm not able nor willing to buy a Mercedes coupe. If the Ford Pinto that I bought (used) from Chuck Stanion satisfies me as much as the Mercedes would (in getting from point A to point B) then the Pinto is satisfactory. To me, it is satisfactory. And that's all that matters. To me.
There is no doubt that the Mercedes would probably ride better, would probably be a more aesthetically pleasing vehicle to be seen in.. and would obviously be worth more money (vs. the Ford Pinto) should I wish to sell the Merceces - BUT, I paid more for the Mercedes so I should expect it to be worth more.
But from getting to point B from point A...
well, I'm the doing the driving.
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