Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Chicago Show 2008 - Quick Thoughts

Please check out the pictures below this post!

Ok, I admit it.  I thought that the 2008 CPCC show would be less than what it ended up being.  I was wrong.  Frank Burla and the gang of several did a wonderful job by making lemonade out of lemons.  Fact is, that was some DARN GOOD lemonade!

The smoking tent was a big hit.  Once I saw the setup I thought that this would be a great place to get together;  bigger than the bar area and quite conducive to mingling.  

Smoking on the show floor during the show?  The mega center was off limits for smoking.  Sounds disappointing - well, it was great.  I could see across the mega center.   Sure, I like to smoke a cigar on Saturday morning at the show but heck, it wasn't a big deal.

The "room hopping" was the only downside in not being able to smoke in the resort.  There were fewer doors open, less people traveling the halls going "room to room" and meeting people.  I missed this part of the show but the smoking tent made up for it.  

Pictures are below.  It looks like there WILL be a 2009 show!

Thanks to all of you who I was able to visit with.  You're the real reason that the show is worthwhile.  

Chicago Show 2008 Pictures